Simone Cavallini M.A.

Research Assistant

Department of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture

Room: 1.04, 1st floor left
Baderstraße 6, 17489 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 3456

Consultation hours: by arrangement

Short CV

Simone Cavallini (*1991) studied Philosophy in the Bachelor’s programme and Philosophical Sciences in the Master’s programme at the Università degli Studi di Firenze (2011-2017). Since 2017 he has been a member of the research group ‘QuaOntoTech – Qualitative Ontology and Technology’ at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. In 2017, he started his PhD on Hegel‘s Jugendschriften at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, where he worked as a lecturer from summer semester 2018 to summer semester 2021, as well as a research assistant in various research projects. He was a scholarship holder at various institutions, including the DAAD. In 2019, he co-founded the research group ‘ – Criticism and Idealism: Systems, Context and Reception’. Since winter semester 2021, he has been a research assistant in the Department of Aesthetics and Cultural Philosophy at the University of Greifswald.

Main areas of research


  • Epistemology
  • Moral Philosophy
  • Philosophy of history
  • Philosophy of culture


  • Kant
  • German Idealism, especially Hegel
  • Schopenhauer
  • Frankfurt School, especially Adorno and Horkheimer



Genealogia della teoria critica. Adorno tra Hegel e Kant [Genealogy of Critical Theory. Adorno between Hegel and Kant]. Florence: Clinamen 2017.


Una fenomenologia dell'errore filosofico [A Phenomenology of Philosophical Error], in: G.W.F. Hegel, Come il comune intelletto umano prende la filosofia, Florence: Clinamen 2022, 7-43.

Was macht die Wissenschaftlichkeit der Wissenschaft aus? Hegels Jenaer Überlegungen zum System. In: Philosophie als Wissenschaft [What constitutes the scientific nature of science? Hegel's Jena Reflections on the System]. In: Philosophy as science. Hildesheim/Zurich/New York: Olms 2021, 165-180.

Schlagwort Praktische Philosophie [Keyword Practical Philosophy]. In: UTB Schopenhauer Dictionary. Stuttgart: UTB 2021, 207-208.

Attualità e urgenza di Adorno. Apologia di un pensiero scomodo [Actuality and urgency of Adorno. Apology of an uncomfortable thought]. In: Theodor W. Adorno: Attualità di un'impresa teorica [Actuality of a theoretical endeavour]. Florence: Clinamen 2020, 37-56.

Schopenhauers Interesse für Werk und Person Machiavellis [Schopenhauer's interest in the work and person of Machiavelli]. In: Schopenhauer Yearbook. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2020, 59-86.

La critica hegeliana: una propedeutica epistemologica per un'epistemologia metafisica [The Hegelian Critique: An Epistemological Propaedeutic to a Metaphysical Epistemology], in: G.W.F. Hegel, Sull'essenza della critica filosofica, Florence: Clinamen 2019. 7-58.

Der epistemologische Wert von Schopenhauers Pessimismus und seine Bedeutung für die Gegenwart [The Epistemological Value of Schopenhauer's Pessimism and its Significance for the Present]. In: Schopenhaueriana. Revista española de estudios sobre Schopenhauer, Número 3: A 200 años de la publicación de El mundo como voluntad y representación, Madrid: SEES 2018, 67-104.

Il borghese illuminato, il borghese nero. Schopenhauer come critico della società moderna nella riflessione di Horkheimer [The enlightened citizen, the black citizen. Schopenhauer as a Critic of Modern Society in Horkheimer's Reflections]. In: Metábasis Philosophy and Communication, International Journal with Peer Review, Year XII, No. 24. Milan: Mimesis 2018, 233-255.

Alle porte di Tebe [At the Gates of Tebe], in A. Schopenhauer, Sulla filosofia e sul suo metodo Florence: Clinamen 2016, 7-43.

La riflessione di Hegel e di Schopenhauer [The Reflection of Hegel and Schopenhauer]. In: Tolleranza per l'intollerante? [Tolerance for the intolerant?] Florence: Clinamen 2015, 175-188.


Philosophie als Wissenschaft [Philosophy as science]. Edited by Nora Schleich, Simone Cavallini, Erik Eschmann, Yukiko Hayashi-Baeken, Nina Lott, Alexander Sattar. Hildesheim/Zurich/New York: Olms 2021.


Come il comune intelletto umano prende la filosofia [Kritische Ausgabe und Übersetzung ins Italienische von Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegels Wie der gemeine Menschenverstand die Philosophie nehme], Florenz: Clinamen 2022.

Sull’essenza della critica filosofica [Kritische Ausgabe und Übersetzung ins Italienische von Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegels Über das Wesen der philosophischen Kritik]. Florenz: Clinamen 2019.

Sulla filosofia e sul suo metodo [Kritische Ausgabe und Übersetzung ins Italienische von Arthur Schopenhauers Ueber Philosophie und ihre Methode]. Florenz: Clinamen 2016.


Review of Dr. Alessandro Novembres Il giovane Schopenhauer. L’origine della metafisica della volontà [The Young Schopenhauer.The origin of the metaphysics of the will]. In: Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2021.