Micha H. Werner

Prof. Dr. Micha Werner


Practical Philosophy

Room: 1.09, 1st floor right
Baderstraße 6, 17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3452

Jitsi-link (after phone call): 

Consultation hours (during lecture period):Thursday 10.00 - 11.00 a.m.
 or by appointment via mielke-iuni-greifswaldde 
or +49 3834 420 3450


Born 1968 in Germany, I studied philosophy, sociology and literature in Munich (Hochschule für Philosophie S. J. & Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität) and Berlin (Freie Universität) with a grant from Evangelisches Studienwerk. After receiving my M.A. diploma based on a thesis on Hans Jonas, I continued my studies as a DFG-funded graduate student at the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW) in Tübingen. From 1999 to 2002, I was assistant professor and junior researcher at the Chair for Ethics in Medicine, also at Tübingen University, focussing on the concept of disease and its significance for the allocation of resources in public health. In 2001, I received my doctorate in philosophy at FU Berlin with a dissertation on discourse ethics. 2002-2007, I was head of an interfaculty institute for basic studies in ethics and philosophy at University of Freiburg i. Br./Germany. Together with my wife and our newborn son, I moved to the Netherlands in 2006, thanks to a parental leave and a grant of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). From 2007 to 2012, I was a tenured researcher/lecturer for practical philosophy at  Utrecht University and visiting professor at the universities of Vienna and Heidelberg in winter 2008/09 and 2011/12, respectively. Since 10/2012, I hold the chair of philosophy with the focus on practical philosophy at the University of Greifswald.

Main areas of research
  • Normative ethics and metaethics with a focus on neo-Kantianism and constructivism
  • Methods of applied ethics
  • Theories of responsibility
  • Social ethical issues and aspects of business and communication ethics
  • Aspects of bioethics (in particular the concept of disease/illness and public health ethics)

List of Publications as PDF (external website)